Ever since I opened ((O)), there's been an outpour of curiosity from aspiring submissives regarding My space. Because of this, I decided to write about some of My favorite toys within ((O)). I'm starting off with bondage toys because bondage is My #1 favorite kink activity. I cannot do a session without some element of physical bondage. To have a session without bondage is like having fries and no ketchup. Bread and no butter. Spaghetti and no sauce. You get the gist. I love bondage.
Since I love bondage so much, I have accumulated a generous collection of hoods, gas masks, gags, restraints, contraptions (?), rubber, and more, in order to fulfill My many perverted desires. I won't give away too much, because I still like to have an element of surprise, but I'll give you a peek into the bondage closet in My Boston fetish studio.
5) Bondage Hardpoint Gag

I got this gag about a year ago, and I've been obsessed with it ever since! It's such a versatile little toy— it can be tied to any restraint point, to a spreader bar, or to any body part (I'll let your imagination wander). Not to mention, it's a perfect Goldilocks-sized gag: not too big, not too small, and enough to make you drool.
4) Leather Sensory Deprivation Hood

I love using this hood for heavy bondage scenes. Complete restraint, complete silence, complete darkness... Your only sense of freedom comes from a tiny hole, perfectly sized for My fingers to slip into your mouth. With all your senses obscured, how will you know what I will do next?
3) Face Bondage Gag (Face Hugger)

I got this wonderful toy at FOR YOUR PLEASURE during My trip to Tokyo. I've been dying to get My hands on this gag for the longest time, so when I found FYP it was like a dream come true! And why wouldn't it? Look at it! It's the ultimate face bondage device! It's excellent not just for heavy bondage, but for humiliation and medical scenes as well. This gag will leave you fully exposed and vulnerable, perfect for My wandering eyes and hands to take advantage of.
2) Latex Straightjacket

This latex straightjacket was a generous gift from My sub, r. I've gotten a lot of use out of this piece because not only is it very restricting, but it intensely satisfies My latex fetish. This combined with a latex hood or the sensory deprivation hood (see above) puts Me in a very... special mood. There's nothing more satisfying for Me than your helplessness.
1) Good Ol' Rope

Rope! It's the most versatile bondage tool! Because of that, it's #1 on My list of favorite bondage toys. Tie it to a chair, tie it to a table, tie it to a collar, tie it to yourself... The possibilities are endless! Rope can be a supplement and it can be the main event! I enjoy making body harnesses, restraints, and predicament scenarios with rope. It's extremely adaptable, and not to mention, sensual. It's a kinetic form of bondage that moves and adapts to you, and it requires My close contact and touch in order to be assembled. When combined with other forms of bondage, such as latex, gags, spreader bars, and more, it can be pure magic.
Did this little tour entice you? Then head over to My Serve Me page and fill out the application form in order to book an unforgettable bondage session. I'm always looking for eager and submissive bottoms to tie down, tease, and torture. You could even engage in some pre-session foreplay by gifting Me a new bondage item from My wishlist. Who knows what will happen when you're alone with Me? What predicament would I put you in? In what ways would I tie and pose you? How long can I leave you there, immobile and vulnerable? There's only one way to find out.
Much love,
-Mx. Violeta
Use my Shop Enby referral link and get 10% off on a variety of sexy toys when you use the code VIOLETAFELIX at checkout!